How To Juice Beets In A Juicer

Juicing beets is a great way to incorporate this nutritious vegetable into your diet. Beets are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and juicing them allows for easy consumption and absorption of these valuable nutrients. Using a juicer to extract the juice from beets is a simple and efficient method that guarantees a fresh and concentrated result.

Whether you want to enjoy the juice on its own or mix it with other fruits and vegetables, juicing beets can provide you with a delicious and healthy beverage option.


To juice beets in a juicer, follow these steps in detail:

1. Wash and trim the beets:
Start by thoroughly washing the beets under running water to remove any dirt or debris. Next, trim off the tops and bottoms of the beets, as well as any remaining stems or leaves.

2. Prepare the juicer:
Set up your juicer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Most juicers have separate containers for the pulp and juice, so make sure they are properly placed.

3. Cut the beets into smaller pieces:
Depending on the size of your juicer’s feed chute, you may need to chop the beets into smaller chunks. Aim for pieces that easily fit through the chute.

4. Start juicing:
Turn on the juicer and begin feeding the beet pieces into the machine. Use the pusher or plunger provided with your juicer to guide the beets through the chute. Repeat this process until all the beets have been juiced.

5. Collect the juice:
As the beets are processed, the juice will flow into the dedicated juice container. Allow the juicer to complete its operation and collect all the beet juice.

6. Remove excess foam (optional):
Depending on your personal preference, you may want to skim off any foam that forms on the surface of the beet juice. This can be easily done using a spoon or ladle.

7. Serve and enjoy:
Pour the freshly juiced beet juice into a glass or container of your choice. You can consume it immediately for maximum freshness and nutritional benefits. Optionally, you can refrigerate it and consume it within a day or two. Remember to clean your juicer thoroughly after each use, as beet juice can stain and leave behind residues. That’s it! By following these steps, you can extract fresh and healthy beet juice using a juicer.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the best way to prepare beets for juicing in a juicer?

To prepare beets for juicing, start by washing and peeling them. Cut the beets into small, manageable pieces to fit into the juicer chute. It is essential to remove any tops or greens from the beets, as they can alter the taste of the juice.

Are there any specific types of juicers that work better for juicing beets?

Centrifugal juicers are ideal for juicing beets due to their high speed and powerful extraction capabilities. Their sharp blades and spinning action effectively break down the tough fibers of beets, resulting in a smooth and delicious juice with minimal effort.

Can I juice the beet greens along with the beets themselves?

Yes, you can juice beet greens along with the beets themselves. Including the greens not only adds an earthy flavor to your juice, but it also provides additional nutrients and antioxidants. Try juicing them together for a refreshing and healthful beverage!

How do I store beet juice for maximum freshness and taste?

To store beet juice for maximum freshness and taste, first, ensure it is properly strained and free from any pulp. Then, transfer it into an airtight glass container and refrigerate immediately. Additionally, consider adding a squeeze of lemon juice to help preserve its vibrant color and flavor.


In conclusion, juicing beets in a juicer is a simple and straightforward process. Start by preparing the beets, cutting them into smaller chunks. Next, feed the beet chunks into the juicer, allowing it to extract the juice.

Finally, pour the vibrant and nutritious beet juice into a glass and enjoy!